An open place for all things cre8tive!
"The QUEST": to find TRUTH
"The METHOD": fearless and open-minded EXPLORATION
*en·tro·py: Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society. The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Cre8tive Musings is born!


Here it is.

My Blogspot.

While the purpose of these sorts of things seems pretty pluralistic, I can assure you, my ultimate desire is to find (and eventually own) a deeper and more intense understanding of Truth.

I invite you to join me in this journey at your leisure. Fellow travelers only make the journey that much better.

But know this...I am not nearly as interested in the answers as I am in the questions. I am not seeking the solutions as much as I am hoping to expose the problems. I am in no way as hung up on the probabilities as I am interested in the remote possibilities.

That is not to say that answers, solutions, or probabilities are completely unwelcome. On the contrary, they are ultimately what I seek. But from humankind...I expect far less. I hope for dialogue. Conversation. An open exploration of what we do NOT know...which may in turn develop into that which we DO know.

Much like a handheld GPS device, we couldn't be more clueless about where we stand in the great scheme of things. We require a higher and constant source to define our place, our progress, our position, and our heading. As absurd as it is for a GPS to tell itself these too is it absurd for us to define our selves or one another based on our limited vantage alone. Put our humanity, we lack all necessary perspective.

It is only through God's perspective that we can decipher our bearing.

May Truth and observation be our landmarks along the way. That mountain over there. The large lake up ahead. May the intellectual volley we engage in act as a clue to our coordinates but never be a replacement for that ultimate sense of temporal and spiritual placement that only comes from God.

Only He knows where we truly are in relationship to where we must be. As we enjoy one another's company on our respective journeys, let us take great care to respect our equal insufficiencies and leave plenty of room for the free flowing river of ideas.

Egos will not be tolerated. Challenges are welcome but only as long as they seek ultimately to find Truth. For those who speak as if they know something to be true...challenges prove to be anything but challenging. Instead, such moments are viewed as exciting opportunities to test theory by questioning it and, in turn, watching to see if can stand under the weight.

So welcome.
You are welcome.

Let us begin!


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