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*en·tro·py: Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society. The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Tying a shoe.

Tying a shoe takes a certain amount of time, practice, discipline, and work.

People cannot tie shoes when they are born.
They must first learn how.
It takes skill and effort.

On the other hand, any person (or monkey for that matter) can pull the same string and unravel the entire effort with very little time, no practice, discipline or work.


Blogger Fireside International said...

But of course!

And I suppose that a monkey may be taught to tie someday. But a monkey who can tie is still a monkey.

Can't mokeys learn sign language too?

I like cheese.

4:21 PM


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