An open place for all things cre8tive!
"The QUEST": to find TRUTH
"The METHOD": fearless and open-minded EXPLORATION
*en·tro·py: Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society. The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Why most of us don't matter.

What is it that you're not doing today because you are afraid?
One of our future's greatest enemies is odorless, invisible, has no taste, and cannot be contained. It does not respect our mood. It will not give in to our pleading. It is relentless and does not tire. It is FEAR.

Imagine with me...
...all of those things that you have been too crippled to undertake. Are they phone calls? Letters? Conversations? Maybe they're dreams that you've neglected to follow. Perhaps a word from your Creator that you have conveniently "put off."

The result?

Is it any wonder that our lives are so incredibly predictable? So mundane? So blasé? Are we really going to continue acting as though we don't know why we're rarely satisfied?

I was washing my hair in the shower today...
...and I decided to say a prayer. Adrian and I are in the midst of some MAJOR overhauls in our lives right now. I asked God for some sign... some indication... about where we are to live. For those who don't know, we're "losing" the house. I say "losing" with quotes because technically, we gave it up, the moment that we decided to RISK IT ALL on obedience to our God. We knew back then, it would come to this. We knew the price. Nonetheless, we are now in a position where we are considering whether or not we are to stay in Indiana or perhaps move abroad. So I was praying about that. Looking for a sign.

As I was preparing to leave...
...I heard a loud SLAP in our entryway. When I looked to see what it was, a piece of decor had fallen and split in two. It was a wooden carving that has rested on the threshold above our front door since we have had the house (a little over 2 and a half years). It has NEVER fallen in all of that time. It fell today.

One of the pieces was facing upward. It read, "There's no place like"
The other half of the plaque was facing downward. The only word on it was no longer visible as it kissed the entryway floor.

Possibly coincidence...
...but I'm not gonna fear the unknown this time. There'll be no gluing the placard together. There's no place like...
...complete and utter obedience... NO MATTER what it costs, NO MATTER who it mystifies, NO MATTER how bad it hurts.

"There's no place like"

And I wonder where it'll be tomorrow!
Buck up people. You're never gonna feel alive until you live a little.
Until then... it's your fault you're unimpressed and unimpressive, NOT God's.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW LUKE! What can I say. That was an amazing post. That will give me something to chew on for a while with my situation. Keep on Keepin on Luke!

9:14 AM


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